The Challenge
Each day presents a new set of risks and challenges for companies operating in a fast-changing marketplace. To overcome this challenges, people must be high qualified, by meeting requirements and skills the organization needs.
Companies struggle when it comes to Human Development Management (HDM). Training planning is often inefficient and with low visibility over investments. Also, talent management is usually an inaccurate process that doesn’t motivate or engage workforce. Thus, organizations lose their best people on the process, as turnover ratings increase.
HDM solutions are being adopted by organizations to wake up the human potential by nurturing, developing and retaining their talents, as well as planning for successors and establishing qualified leaders. With HDM solutions, companies can define workforce development plans aligned with business strategies throughout the enterprise, developing people, improving productivity and achieving real process efficiency.
The Solution
QI Solutions HDM is a comprehensive web-based human development management software. It allows for competency mapping, training and development, performance review and succession planning. Its purpose is to help organizations develop a highly skilled and engaged workforce, aligned with business strategy.
With this solution, organizations can easily create and manage competencies, and link them to business processes or job positions. Competencies can be assessed and organizations can better understand where workforce skill sets are strong and where there are gaps in professional development.
Organizations can define Individual Development Plans (IDP), delivering training programs linked to competency assessments, in order to meet knowledge gaps and improve employee’s skills. Training can be carried out online through the LMS (Learning Management System) within the solution (SCORM compatible) or in classrooms. The solution allows instructors to create online tests and manage questions and scores, ensuring that content was absorbed by participants. Training completion certificates are generated automatically by the system.
Measuring performance against objectives and providing constant feedback is essential to keeping employees motivated. The solution provides easy-to-use yet highly effective tools such as goal management, performance appraisals, competency and skill assessment, talent profiles, development activities, reporting and analytics, and multi-rater / 360 review functionality. Each individual rating can be weighted and calculated based on configurations. This provides a calculated performance score recommendation that considers and balances all dimensions of performance management to assign a final rating. This helps managers to motivate employees through highly relevant performance feedback.
With QI Solutions HDM, organizations can better prepare employees’ careers and succession. A “9-box-matrix” makes it possible to assess talent based on past performance and future potential, developing succession plans for any position. The solution allows customized portals to be created, providing clear insight in relation to task completion, tracking of targets, employee scores, IDP deployment status, and more. This allows managers to efficiently monitor and manage human development initiatives.
Human Development Management HDM
Main Benefits
Saves time and therefore money by simplifying and automating talent management processes.
Manages training resources for a more efficient use of the training & learning budget.
Allows employees, managers and HR to spend more time on strategic activities rather than conducting slow and exhaustive performance appraisals.
Aligns the entire workforce with the organization’s strategies and priorities.
Identifies key competencies necessary to perform specific activities in different processes across the organization.
Provides a detailed course catalogue accessible to all employees.
Provides training programs that address performance and skill gaps for individuals and work teams.
Motivates workforce through highly relevant performance feedback from peers, leaders and subordinates.
Measures the effectiveness of individual development plans by analyzing performance improvements over time.
Competence mapping

Performance evaluation

Employee profile

Talent bank

Learning Management System

9 Box Matrix

TRAINING PROGRAMS: Targeted training programs to overcome knowledge gaps.
COURSES CATALOG: Centralized course catalog to make employee development easier.
TRAINING EXECUTION: Fast training execution, developing the workforce and improving the quality of deliverables .
EVALUATION: Electronic testing to ensure absorption of knowledge.
INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Awaken human potential by executing Individual Development Plans.
PERSONALIZED PORTALS: Friendly monitoring of development actions, through personalized portals.
Solution Overview
Return on Investment in Human Development Management traditionally, when enterprise professionals discuss the ROI of an investment, they are mostly thinking of “financial” benefits. Today, organizations must also consider the “non financial” benefits of an investment.
Financial Benefits include impacts on the organization’s budget and finances, e.g., reduced costs or increased revenues.
Non-Financial Benefits are the so-called “intangible”, “soft,” or “unquantifiable” benefits of an investment. Unlike financial returns, there may be no widely-accepted metrics for organizations to apply. However, the QI Solutions present undeniable potential for producing positive impacts on business performance and mission results. These include improved customer satisfaction, more precise information and a shorter cycle time.
Annual Savings
- Increases productivity. Optimized creation of training programs, and structured competences appraisals planning, execution and control will allow your staff to achieve better results in less time.
- Reduces the budgeting cycle by eliminating spreadsheet management, data transfer errors, manual reconciliation and version control issues.
- Leverages zero footprint to minimize maintenance costs while providing extensive hierarchical drill-down and analysis capabilities.
- Reduced time and effort for competence appraisals and performing trainings.
- Reduced budget spending, especially in the wrong metrics. Attention must be sustained on metrics that are actionable, predictive and connected to the big picture lagging indicators.
- Cuts costs and increases revenue by:
- Increasing collaboration on data and knowledge.
- Eliminating manual errors.
- Automating input of data.
- Facilitating the performing of tasks.
- Accelerating cycle times for key processes.
- Reducing time with custom implementations and integrations.
- The investment in QI Solutions HDM will depend upon the business unit size and implementation approach.
Return on Investment (%)
- (((Total Annual Savings x n years) – Initial Investment) / Initial Investment) x 100.
Payback Period (years)
- Initial Investment / Total Annual Savings.
- Easier to achieve strategic objectives due to increased employees maturity and improved corporate culture.
- Improved customer satisfaction due to more effective customer need management and quality control tools that achieve the established goals, guaranteeing an effective outcome.
- Improved customer satisfaction generates a better customer retention rate, reputation, market share and revenue.
- Improved regulatory compliance. QI Solutions allows the organization to integrate compliance management skills with current business processes.
- Less paper work and less paper needed to print out training reports, due to the scheduled reports, customized views and user-friendly dashboard.
- Guarantee of effective team work and cooperation. Resources are coordinated, giving them a straightforward way to get together and resolve the task at hand, including the procedures to be used, the delegation of tasks among the team members and timeline. The project team will conduct its activities with a greater sense of professionalism and self-confidence, ensuring staff retention.
- Helps to increase corporate transparency.
- Helps to balance short-term, middle-term and long-term trade-offs.
- Encourages value-creating investments.
- Improves the allocation of resources, streamlines planning and budgeting.
- Helps to better deal with increased complexity and greater uncertainty and risk.